1st Grade
September, 1998
1st grade is off to a great start!
The students are excited to start reading and writing. Parents, please
encourage your child to read, read, read! We are looking for parents
to help us out with many different things this year. Please let us
know if you have any time to donate or special talent to share with us.
Together we can make your child's 1st grade experience a very successful
one. We'd also like to welcome Ms. Cowles to our 1st grade. She's not a new teacher, but she's new to Thonotosassa!
May 1998,
The end of school is almost upon
us. We hope your child has enjoyed their year in First Grade.
During the last weeks of school we will be focusing on reading and writing.
Please give your child a lot of extra reading time. Also, have them
write about experiences at home. They could also write about everyday
events and keep a journal at home. A child reading their own writing
is a wonderful way for them to practice their reading skills.
April, 1998
First Grade welcomes in Spring with
a fresh new month. To show the children the renewal of Spring, first
grade will be watching caterpillars turn into butterflies. We are
sure that all of the students sill really enjoy watching this exciting
event in nature. Please remember to Read, Read, Read. Homework
is still to be done every night. We hope everyone has a wonderful
and safe Spring Bread and remember Earth Day is Wednesday, April 22nd.
Get out and enjoy the wonderful world around us. |